Read This Before Cleaning Your Jewellery At Home
When searching for a homemade jewellery cleaner, it can be overwhelming to choose from the numerous recipes available online. To make an informed decision, it’s important to consider the source of the information. While cleaning organizations may offer more reliable solutions than general fashion resources, the most trustworthy advice comes from jewellery experts. They possess the knowledge and expertise to provide safe and effective cleaning recommendations for your precious jewellery.
[Not recommended] Witch Hazel, Tea Tree Oil & Baking Soda:
A popular DIY remedy recommends soaking jewellery in a mixture of vinegar or witch hazel, tea tree oil, and later scrubbing with baking soda. However, this method poses risks to soft or porous stones and plated jewelry due to the acidic nature of the ingredients. The use of an old toothbrush may also introduce scratches.
[Not Recommended] Salt, Baking Soda & Dish Detergent:
Another suggestion involves soaking jewellery in a bowl lined with aluminum foil, salt, baking soda, and dish detergent. However, this method presents similar issues with abrasive baking soda and potentially contaminated toothbrushes.
[Not Recommended] Hot Water & Baking Soda:
A simpler recipe advises soaking rings in hot water with baking soda. While this method has fewer ingredients and no damaging tools, the abrasive nature of baking soda remains a concern.
Caution should be exercised when using homemade jewellery cleaners, as certain ingredients and techniques can potentially harm your precious pieces.
To make an effective homemade jewellery cleaning solution, mix a few drops of Dawn dish detergent in a small container with hot tap water (not boiling). Let the piece soak in the solution for a few minutes, then gently scrub with a soft toothbrush. Rinse by placing the item in lukewarm water. Take care to use water that is neither too hot nor too cold, as some gemstones are sensitive to temperature changes. For safety, jewellery cleaning at home should be best kept to diamond, ruby, sapphires and make sure never to immerse your pearls in a cleaning solution. Dry the piece with a paper towel or soft cloth, being cautious not to catch the prongs on fibers.
Visiting Diamond Design (or your jeweller) for Jewellery Cleaning:
A popular DIY remedy recommends soaking jewellery in a mixture of vinegar or witch hazel, tea tree oil, and later scrubbing with baking soda. However, this method poses risks to soft or porous stones and plated jewelry due to the acidic nature of the ingredients. The use of an old toothbrush may also introduce scratches.